Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday's Art Class

"Mr. Lee in the Hall of Mirrors" by Alex Chin Nguyen. 2008

"Good Luck Assholes," by Eric Beltz 2007; graphite on Bristol board; 28 x 22 inches

"Four Generatiosn" by Seb Patane. 2004. Ballpoint pen on printed paper, 13 7/8 x 9 3/4"

"Genius Loci Reaching Gentle Heights (Lewis in a Less-Green Room)" by Christian Holstad 2003. Cut-and-pasted printed paper on paper, 11 1/4 x 30 1/8"

"Seven Miles Per Second" by David Wojnarowicz 1988. Synthetic polymer paint, felt-tip pen, watercolor, and postcards on supermarket poster, 43 1/2 x 33 1/2

“David Wojnarowicz,” by Peter Hujar. 1981.